Cem A. at Basel Social Club
Basel, Switzerland
11 – 18.06.2023
A critical guide by HYBRID PROJECT SPACE and signage, created in collaboration with Cem A. (@freeze_magazine), aim to make the invisible visible.
The Floor Pieces are meant to imitate the linguistic landscape of art spaces and question the hegemony of signs that we assume to be neutral. Each sign puts the viewer in a different paradoxical situation.
Larissa Araz at oxyd – Kunsträume
Art museum in Winterthur, Switzerland
23.02 – 23.04.2023
The experimental exhibition and research platform Observatory, On Deculturalisation. Chapter 1 departs from the work of Italian feminist art historian Carla Lonzi (1931-1982) and her use of the term “deculturalizzazione”. Developed by Lonzi in the context of the feminist collective Rivolta Femminile in Milano, “deculturalizzazione” appears in the text “Let’s Spit on Hegel” in 1973 to define those practices and actions which oppose the paradigms of patriarchal culture. The curatorial collective Zaira Oram moves from Lonzi to further research and expand the notion of deculturalization.
The first chapter of the research presents an observatory of artistic practices which enact deculturalization through sound, film, performance, workshops, and public talks.